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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism are problems in Ponsford, MN. that need serious attention because of the destruction they cause. Although alcohol is a legal drug, addiction is a common risk as with any drug. Alcohol addiction can affect anyone of any age, background or ethnicity and there is no end to the destruction that alcohol can cause in a person's life.
Someone may develop an alcohol addiction in Ponsford because they want to "get the edge off" after work or to feel more sociable in certain situations. Or they may have a problem or stressful situation in their life that they are trying to numb with alcohol. A few drinks here and there can turn into total loss of control of the amount of alcohol that is being consumed and a full blown addiction can result.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism can literally damage every organ in the body. Besides the physical effects of alcohol, a person who is addicted to alcohol can cause a great deal of destruction in their life by their actions and behavior. It is important that someone in Ponsford, Minnesota with an alcohol addiction seeks help from an Alcohol Rehab, before it is too late.
Individuals in Ponsford who are battling alcohol addiction and alcoholism and are ready to admit they have a drinking problem can receive treatment from an Alcohol Rehab and become fully rehabilitated. They can take a step back and address the issues which triggered their alcohol addiction and get back control of their life. An effective Alcohol Rehab will greatly increase the chances of the individual's long-term sobriety.
Individuals in Ponsford, MN. that are addicted to alcohol and abruptly stop drinking may experience withdrawals symptoms as their body has become dependent on alcohol. An Alcohol Rehab in Ponsford will first treat the individual by getting them through the withdrawal and an alcohol detoxification. This will greatly increase the chances of the individual sticking to their plan to get sober.
Each person is different, and alcohol addiction and alcoholism treatment options can vary from person to person. Examples of treatment options available in Ponsford, Minnesota are Long-term Alcohol Rehab Programs, Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Programs, Short-term Alcohol Rehab Programs, Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Programs, support group meetings, alcoholism counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism can destroy a person's health, livelihood and family. Help is available at a Ponsford Alcohol Rehab to help individuals get their lives back on the right track. Contact a counselor today and discover which Alcohol Rehab will work for you or someone you care about today.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Ponsford, Minnesota
- White Earth Substance Abuse Ponsford, MN, 56575
- White Earth Substance Abuse Program Naytahwaush, MN, 56566
- Moms Program Naytahwaush, MN, 56566
- Circle Back Center Ogema, MN, 56569
- Lakes Counseling Center Detroit Lakes, MN, 56501
- Lakeland Mental Health Center Detroit Lakes, MN, 56501
- Compassion House Detroit Lakes, MN, 56501
- Drake Counseling Services Detroit Lakes, MN, 56501
- Drake Counseling Services Inc Detroit Lakes, MN, 56501
- Pine Manor Inc Nevis, MN, 56467
- Contact Us
- Problem drinkers average four times as many days in the hospital as non drinkers �' mostly because of drinking-related injuries.
- Alcohol and caffeine are the two most widely abused substances in the world. Alcohol is the more serious addiction due to alcohol-related accidents and incidents.
- After a person has consumed eight to ten drinks, they will most likely be disoriented, confused, dizzy and have exaggerated emotional states; additionally, their vision may be disturbed, as is perception of form, motion, color and dimensions.
- If a person suspects that an individual may have alcohol poisoning, they should know the danger signals and be aware that a person who has passed out could possibly die
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