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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Baxter, MN. are serious problems that must be dealt with for the good of the community. Alcohol is used freely in social settings to grease interaction and social relations. Alcohol abuse is a problem however, as the social levels of consumption can very easily turn into a habit of addiction and alcoholism.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Baxter becomes a problem when the individual loses control of the amount of alcohol he is consuming. The individual will then begin disregarding important responsibilities they have or commit destructive acts while they are intoxicated which created devastating effects to them and other. There is a problem if all of these things are taking place, but the individual continues to drink despite the problems his addiction is creating.
If an individual addicted to alcohol in Baxter does not get help, there is no telling the short and long term affects that his addiction will create in his life. The physical consequences alone should be enough to convince someone to quit drinking, as every organ in a person's body is affected by their drinking. The social consequences can be even more devastating, as the person begins to destroy of his important relationships because of his addiction. It is important that an individual addicted to alcohol received the help they need before it is too late.
Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centers in Baxter, MN. offer a safe space free of environmental triggers to overcome addiction and become fully rehabilitated. The individual can take advantage of the support and care that can only be offered by those who have experience in dealing with addiction, and have successfully helped many others overcome it.
Individuals who have been abusing alcohol Baxter, Minnesota for some time will most likely need to take part in a supervised detox as their first step of treatment. An Alcohol Rehab/Detoxification Facility helps long time users of alcohol get through the physical withdrawal that they will experience as a result of the physical dependence they have developed to alcohol over time.
Alcohol treatment options available in Baxter, Minnesota include Long-term Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centers, Outpatient Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centers, Short-term Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centers, Inpatient Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centers, support group meetings, individualized counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Treatment for alcohol addiction and alcoholism is available for you or someone you care about today. Make the decision to seek treatment and contact an Alcohol Rehab in Baxter to find out which treatment option is best for you.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Baxter, Minnesota
- Nystrom and Associates Ltd Baxter, MN, 56425
- St. Cloud VAMC Brainerd, MN, 56401
- Central Minnesota Adult Teen Challenge Brainerd, MN, 56401
- Pinnacle Recovery Services Brainerd, MN, 56401
- St. Josephs Medical Center Brainerd, MN, 56401
- Northern Pines MHC Clinical Office Brainerd, MN, 56401
- Northern Pines Chemical Health Serv of Brainerd, MN, 56401
- Lakewood Health System Staples, MN, 56479
- Next Step Staples, MN, 56479
- Northern Pines Mental Health Center Staples, MN, 56479
- Contact Us
- Boys statistically try alcohol for the first time at just 11 years old, while the average age for girls is 13.
- Individuals with co-occurring alcohol and other drug use disorders are more likely to have personality, mood, and anxiety disorders and are more likely to attempt suicide and to suffer health problems.
- In 2003 the proportion of 12th graders who admitted drinking an alcoholic beverage in the past 30 days was 48%.
- An alcoholic "drink" is generally defined as a 12 oz. beer or wine cooler, a 5 oz. glass of wine, or 1.5 oz. of 80 proof spirits (straight or in a mixed drink).
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