  • My Home Inc
  • My Home Inc
    is located at 651 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN. 55104 and can be contacted by calling 651-659-0359. My Home Inc offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Over 50, Women, Men, Court Appointed Client Services, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Help

  • Contact Us
  • The average adult metabolizes alcohol at a rate of about 8.5 g of alcohol per hour (i.e. about two-thirds of a regular beer). This rate can vary depending on several different factors, including the amount of alcohol that an individual normally drinks, whether they are male and female, liver size, and genetic factors.
  • A recent study compared the brain scans of teens who consume alcohol heavily with the scans of teens that don't. The study found damaged nerve tissue in the brains of the teens that drank. This damage negatively affects attention span in boys, and girls' ability to comprehend and interpret visual information.
  • There were 1.8 million treatment admissions for alcoholism in 2006, accounting for all facilities that report to state administrative data systems, making the actual number greater.
  • Binge drinking by adults is a strong predictor of binge drinking by college students living in the same state.

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